What is the law on induced abortion in Canada?
There currently is NO LAW governing abortion in Canada.
On May 14, 1969, Canada’s abortion law was liberalized with the passage of Pierre Trudeau’s Omnibus Bill C-251. There was a general prohibition of abortion except in certain circumstances defined in the law. The new law placed no restrictions on what point in the pregnancy an induced abortion could be performed. On January 28, 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down its 1969 law. Since that ruling, abortion is available on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy up to the moment of delivery for any or no reason.
Why is the preborn child not protected by law in Canada?
The Canadian Criminal Code of Canada’s definition of when a child becomes a human being reads exactly is based on antiquated law written in 1953.
It states: “A child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother, whether or not
a) it has breathed;
b) it has independent circulation; or
c) the navel string is severed.”
When does a baby’s heart begin to beat?
A baby’s heart begins to beat at 21 days after conception and brain waves are detected at 6 weeks gestation. Click here to view pictures and videos of the preborn child. Watch the heart in action below.
How many induced abortions occur in Canada?
Since 1969, when Canada’s abortion law was liberalized, there have been over 3 million induced abortions. There are 300 everyday which translates to over 100,000 annually, of which over 45,000 occur in Ontario. Click Statistics and Polls for more information.
Is abortion safe for woman?
An Ontario study of 41,039 women during the three month period following their abortion, revealed that these women had the following:
- a four times higher rate of hospitalizations for infections
- a five times higher rate of “surgical events”
- a nearly five times higher rate of hospitalization for psychiatric problems than the matching group of women who had not had abortions.
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 2000
One abortion increases a woman’s risk of breast cancer*, depression and suicide**. Further immediate risks include severe haemorrhaging (bleeding), leading to possible infection and even death. Other long-term risks include: infertility, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and pre-mature birth. Click here for more information.
Who pays for abortions?
It costs Ontario tax payers over 30 million dollars a year to fund unrestricted abortion. Click here for more information.
Why do women choose abortion?
Most women feel pressured into having an abortion due to socio-economic reasons and lack of support. They resort to abortion because they feel they have no choice.
Are women told all the facts related to the developing child and the abortion procedure, including all known risks?
Abortion is the only medical procedure whereby the patient does not have to sign an informed consent form. It is common for women to be denied the facts related to their child’s development and the health risks associated with abortion. Many post-abortive women report that they were told “it was just a blob of tissue.” They feel betrayed for not having been given all the facts and conclude if they would have known then what they know now, they would have made a different choice.