Alliance for Life Ontario was established in 1989 to represent and serve as an educational coordinating organization for educational pro-life groups throughout the province. Our goal is to by promote a greater respect for all human life from conception/fertilization to natural death through education.
With an eleven member Board of Directors, two staff members and several volunteers, Alliance for Life Ontario currently serves 55 pro-life educational groups.
Alliance for Life Ontario is a not-for-profit organization and receives no government funding. We rely on the generosity of pro-life Canadians and people of goodwill who support our efforts. Although our work is non-partisan and educational in nature, we have not been able to achieve a charitable status, despite two attempts. Reflecting upon this situation, we note that several abortion clinics in Canada have acquired charitable status. We are not surprised that in today’s climate it is considered “charitable” to perform abortions. Apparently, the provision of educational information regarding fetal development, abortion procedures, risks, and alternatives, is not worthy of charitable status.
We represent a united voice working to bring about greater respect for the dignity and worth of all human beings from conception/fertilization to natural death. We advocate for pre-born children, youth, the disabled, infirm, elderly, dying and individuals hurt by abortion.