Like father, like son, does not apply to you on abortion.
On May 11th 2023 a short video was released, you will note it was the date of our March for Life in Ottawa. Several Liberal Ministers, and MPs, waxed lyrical on why they were, as they put it, “pro-choice”. I have noted before that being pro-choice is not an actual position, we are all for choice but not the choice of induced abortion since it kills an innocent human being. When faced with unexpected pregnancy the only difference between the so-called pro-choice movement and our Culture of Life movement is the choice of abortion and therefore in my estimation pro-abortion is more correct a definition of the stance.
But I digress. I have been researching in order to rebuff the statements made by these MPs and Ministers in the May 11th 2023 video. I realized very quickly that it would take longer than I anticipated once I had listened again. To be honest it reminded me of the countless number of Grade 10 -12 presentations I have made over the years. All you hear are parroted phrases with no substance or may I say, actual thinking, let alone science or facts, behind them. The same old warn out phrases with no reason, science or critical thinking, spewed out over and over again as if the telling makes them true. You will see my rebuttal soon enough, but for this circulation I thought that maybe Justin and the Liberal MPs might want to hear words from a Liberal icon, Pierre Trudeau on the subject.
In Canada we have a Prime Minister who advocates abortion on demand, women’s rights over their own body (own body being the important words here) he provides millions of dollars in Canada and around the world to expand this barbaric practice. Well, I for one would like to see his reaction and those of the Ministers and MPs in this ill-conceived video, to the words of the, then Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau at a crowded townhall question and answer period in Sault Ste Marie on Thursday February 24th 1972.
“Sault Ste Marie Ont. (CP) Prime Minster Trudeau, Thursday took a strong stand against abortion on demand after hearing an appeal for repeal of Canada’s abortion laws. Answering [a] woman who represented a local women’s liberation group, Mr Trudeau said that “at some point, an abortion is a killing.”
A woman should explain her reasons for seeking an abortion just as any man who has killed must answer for his deed, the Prime Minister said. The quietly emotional exchange capped a question and answer session at a crowded town meeting…Mr Trudeau received a brief at the town meeting from a women’s liberation group led by Rosalle Garderi of Sault Ste Marie.
Mrs Garderi later pressured the prime minister to take further action to repeal the abortion laws. Mr Trudeau replied that his government has liberalized abortion legislation, by allowing committees of three doctors in hospitals to rule on requests for abortion for health reasons.
“I don’t know if your slogan is free abortion on demand…but quite frankly it is not mine.” Mr Trudeau said. He said that killing is sometimes justified. People were killed in the war or in self-defence, but a man who kills in self-defence must justify his action before the courts.
A woman seeking an abortion also should have to answer for her actions. Some women claim they have rights over their own bodies.
“But the fetus is not your body- it’s somebody else’s body,” he said…”
I would be so interested to see our prime minister’s face if he ever read his Father’s remarks. Pierre Trudeau may not have been a friend to the preborn Canadian but he recognized that induced abortion is killing not health care and that there are two bodies in this situation not just one.
One absolutely redundant remark was made by Chris Bittle, in the video which was “it is 2023”.Firstly, I am not sure if the fact that it is 2023 came as a surprise for Mr Bittle on May 11th or whether he was trying to make some monumental inference of what importance we are all left to work out for ourselves.
In 2023 we know that over 1 billion pre-born children have been killed globally over the last hundred years. We also know that almost 70% of abortions are coerced, unwanted or inconsistent with women’s preferences and that 60% would never have undergone an induced abortion f they had been provided support!. Yet our Prime Minister and his government are looking to close pregnancy support centres down with threats of taking away charitable status! Does make you ask the question of whether he has shares in any part of it doesn’t it?We also know that 70% of men involved with an abortion experience long-term negative impacts.
Our Canadian government allowed chemical abortion to be licensed in Canada notwithstanding that a study of almost 45,000 women found that chemical abortion carries 4 times the rate of serious adverse events compared to surgical abortion. Induced abortion is a calamitous public health issue which is being ignored and promoted as health care. Chemical abortion was used in 39,6% of Ontario abortions accessed in 2022.
It will be a pleasure to respond in due course to this video, but for now, other than earth shattering ignorance of the facts it is about as useful as an umbrella in a hurricane.
The Star Phoenix – Saskatoon, Friday, February 25th 1972
I am Pro-Choice because…..