“Lugenpresse” an old tactic with a devastating modern twist – you decide?

To be honest, I do not know where to start this month!

Okay let’s start here.

Misinformation 101

On October 29th 2024 I sent the following email to the Ministry of Justice, as I found a glaring error which I explain below to the Minister. I have not received a response as of today, November 12th 2024. The email to contact the Ministry of Justice is: mcu@justice.gc.ca . Any politicians who see this might just consider asking why this error has occurred. Of course, anyone else may ask, but we do not have the privilege of being able to speak face to face as politicians have in the House. I would be interested to hear what you are told. Of course, if I get a response, I will share it.

Good Morning Justice Minister, Arif Virani,

Regarding: Bijuralism in Supreme Court of Canada Judgements since the enactment of the civil code of Quebec

I am conducting research with regard to the legal situation of the pre-born child before birth in Canada and came across the document above, on the Department of Justice website at,


On behalf of Alliance for Life Ontario, I request that you review the highlighted portion of the paragraph below, in light of the “Current Issue Review” 80-9E: Abortion: Legal Aspects, Monique Herbert, Mollie Dunsmuir, Law and Government Division, 18th March 1980 Revised 18th September 1989. Research Branch Library of Parliament”

As stated in “Bijuralism in Supreme Court of Canada Judgements since the enactment of the civil code of Quebec”

 1.1.1 Rights of pregnant women and the fetus

If there is one area in which individual rights have been widely discussed, it is that of the rights of a pregnant woman and the fetus she is carrying. As far back as Morgentaler [1988] 1 S.C.R. 30, which recognized a woman’s right to abortion, it has been asserted that granting a fetus the “right to life” provided under s. 7 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms from the moment of conception creates a potential conflict with the woman’s rights to personal dignity, bodily integrity and autonomy. In Tremblay v. Daigle [1989] 2 S.C.R. 530, it was determined that a woman could not be forced to complete her pregnancy since neither the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms nor the Civil Code granted the fetus juridical personality.

The statement below, was reported at page 8 in the “Current Issue Review” 80-9E: Abortion: Legal Aspects, Monique Herbert, Mollie Dunsmuir, Law and Government Division, 18th March 1980 Revised 18th September 1989. Research Branch Library of Parliament” BR.B FC 1 no.80-9E 1989 Sept 18

“Apart from the obvious fact that there is no longer an enforceable federal prohibition against abortions in Canada, the full import of the Court’s ruling in the Morgentaler case, is as yet unknown. The majority of the Court did not rule that women had an unconditional right to abortion under the Charter…”

In these times of misinformation and disinformation I believe it important that the Ministry of Justice pages be accurate and I would appreciate being contacted with the explanation as to how this incorrect statement became part of the document and whether any similar statement has been placed in other Ministry of Justice publications. On behalf of our 50 affiliate member groups and our networking organizations, I would appreciate a response at your earliest convenience.”

Misinformation 202

The following is a petition sponsored by Pam Damoff – not surprising, given her pro-abortion worldview, but such absolute drivel – you might remember she called AFLO quite a few choice things a couple of years ago that misinformation follows this. Anyway, for all of us who know the grace, honour and love that emanates from Pro-Life Pregnacy centres you really have to wonder what is in the House’s drinking water?


e-4934 (Social affairs and equality)


Initiated by Mary Annis from Cobble Hill, British Columbia

Original language of petition: English

Petition details

Petition to the Government of Canada

    • Over 150 anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centres” (CPCs) in Canada work to dissuade pregnant people from having abortions via medical misinformation and emotional manipulation;
    • CPCs engage in deception by pretending to be legitimate, professional agencies that help people with accurate information on all their options, when most are Christian ministries that are biased against abortion;
    • CPCs often create deceptive websites and other materials that enable them to lure in unsuspecting clients and funders, infiltrate public schools to teach sexual health education, recruit practicum students from public universities, and get on referral lists at real medical clinics and social service agencies; and
    • Over 90% of CPCs have charitable status despite contravening charity guidelines and requirements as set out by the Canada Revenue Agency because they engage in biased and dishonest counselling.

We, the undersigned, citizens and residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:

    1. Pass a motion in Parliament that condemns the deceptive and manipulative tactics of anti-abortion “crisis pregnancy centres,” including the medical misinformation they provide to clients; and
    2. Fulfill its prior commitment to make CPCs ineligible for charitable status due to the false and misleading information they provide to vulnerable clients.

Government response tabled

Response by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance

Signed by (Minister or Parliamentary Secretary): The Honourable Chrystia Freeland

Canada’s charitable sector is diverse and vibrant. From education to social support services, an estimated 86,000 registered charities engage in public benefit activities that touch almost every aspect of Canadian life. Registered charities are provided important supports under the tax system, including an exemption from income tax and the ability to issue official donation receipts for any gifts that they receive.

With these benefits, all registered charities are required to follow rules and principles set out in the Income Tax Act and common law, including ensuring the information that they provide is accurate and evidence-based. This includes registered charities that provide reproductive health services, who are required to provide accurate and evidence-based information to women with respect to their rights and options at all stages of their pregnancy. In this regard, the Government of Canada is committed to taking action to ensure that organizations that are not transparent about the services they provide to pregnant women are ineligible for charitable status, while respecting Canadians’ right to freedom of expression and freedom of conscience and religion under the Charter. All Canadians should have the information they need to freely make decisions over their own bodies and have access to the medical care and services that are their legal right.

Misinformation 303
Pam Damoff’s comments regarding AFLO


If this statement had been made anywhere else, but the House of Commons  we could have taken Pam Damoff to Court for maligning us so wrongly. The truth is somehow misinformation in the House!

The rise of the anti-choice movement has also led to dangerous online misinformation campaigns sponsored by Alliance for Life Ontario, spreading dangerous falsehoods about medical abortion. This is part of a larger ideological initiative that seeks to misinform individuals and restrict their reproductive rights.

What is medical abortion, and why does the anti-choice movement want to convince Canadian women that it is unsafe and can be reversed? To begin with, medical abortions have been practised all over the world for more than 30 years. Despite three decades of evidence that proves they are safe and effective, they were only made available in Canada since 2017 under our Liberal government.

There are two drugs that are used for a medical abortion, sold together in a product called Mifegymiso. Mifegymiso is prescribed by a doctor, and it can only be given within the first nine weeks of pregnancy. A woman takes one tablet, and then 24 to 48 hours later the subsequent tablets, and that is it. Medical abortions are safe and effective, and the vast majority of abortions in Canada, about 90%, happen very early in a pregnancy, before the sex of the fetus is even known, I might add.

The campaign is targeting women who are seeking an abortion with wrongful claims that a medical abortion can be reversed mid-procedure, in the 24 to 48 hours after the first tablet. Advocates for the abortion pill reversal frequently cite research from Dr. George Delgado, a medical adviser for the Abortion Pill Rescue Network and medical director of Culture of Life Family Services in San Diego, a self-professed provider of Christ-centred medical care. This research has been condemned by the medical community, and compelling evidence exists that abortion pill reversal is ineffective and potentially dangerous. The Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada has released a statement condemning the practice, as has the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Simply put, denying access to health services that only women require, including abortion, is a form of gender-based violence. The UN has recognized this, our Supreme Court has recognized this, and I am confident that a majority of the hon. members in this place will recognize this…

Misinformation 404
The Canadian government weaponises the Income Tax Act – Is it Serious?!


“…Concerns have been raised that some registered charities that offer reproductive health services to women, including pregnancy options counselling, may be spreading misinformation by presenting themselves as neutral, full-service pregnancy support service organizations when they are in fact anti-choice organizations that push women away from accessing the reproductive care of their choice.

By concealing the true nature of their services, these anti-choice organizations are restricting the rights of vulnerable pregnant women to choose the reproductive care appropriate to them and their circumstances…..”

*****I sent the following to the National Post regarding the Canadian Governments announcement, of its attack on pro-life pregnancy centres. It has not run yet.

Dear Editor,

I write, having read the October 29th 2024 press release distributed by Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada, and the Government of Canada, Department of Finance “Backgrounder” regarding proposed changes to the Income Tax Act specifically directed towards Christian and pro-Life Pregnancy Support Centres.

ARCC and the Government apparently agree that pregnant women deserve the truth regarding their options, and that there is a duty to provide correct information. On behalf of Alliance for Life Ontario, I can absolutely state that we believe the same. However, I am concerned at the weaponization of the Income Tax Act against ethical Christian and Pro-life Pregnancy Support Centres to supposedly achieve this end.  These centres are invaluable to women in unexpected pregnancy, they provide gentle, safe and nonjudgemental, spaces where women can talk out their problems and receive help that they really want and need.

While Alliance for Life Ontario agrees on what options are available in Canada, we believe that not all options carry the same moral value. For instance, in our opinion a choice to bring your child to term and raise them or indeed to gift that child to another couple in adoption, represent very noble values. Abortion, on the other hand is a decision which directly kills the developing child, a rather extreme response and one which we know most women do not truly understand happens. We also know from women, that abortion facilities appear to represent induced abortion as commonplace, safe and normal!

A January 2024 commissioned study of Canadian women showed that 60% had abortions contrary to their own values and preferences, forced or pressured by male partners, family, peers or circumstances – how can this happen if abortion facilities are conducting ethical pre-abortion counselling which should identify these high-risk women? In a recent article, which ran in The Human Life Review Summer/Fall edition, written by Josephine M Tyne, one is made aware again, of the harm that is inherent in the abortion choice.  The Human Life review article highlights some major studies, and studies of studies, outlining the harm caused by induced abortion to many women, and the mis-information or lack of information they received at abortion facilities and concludes in part with;

“Women faced with the decision to abort, should understand that, contrary to what they commonly hear, abortion has time and time again resulted in PTSD, suicide ideation, substance abuse, chronic depression, and other mental health disorders.”

Instead of endlessly trying to find ways of expanding access to abortion as per the Government funded, Contraception and Abortion Research Team which may literally force every pharmacy, medical , nursing or midwifery student to take part in induced abortion, defined oxymoronically as  “abortion care” while attempting to shut down the ethical voice of Christian and Pro-Life Pregnancy Support Centres, or indeed the Canadian Pro-Life movement. It behooves this Government and the whole abortion advocacy movement, funded by our Government, to listen to what women are saying and believe me they are not clamoring for abortion!

Lastly, if Government believes that denying pregnancy centres a charitable status will close them down, think again.  Unlike many organizations which advocate induced abortion, they do not rely on government funding, but on the financial gifts of Canadians who believe as they do that life is precious, it has an inviolable nature and women deserve better than abortion. I wonder what the Department of Finance will try and do about that?

Respectfully submitted

Jakki Jeffs


i) Human Life Review Summer/Fall Issue “The Untold Story of Post Abortive Women” Josephine Tyne pages 51-62 humanlifereview.com

ii) “The Prevalence and Effects of Unwanted Abortions in Canada” David C  Reardon  https://zenodo.org/records/10823234

iii)  https://med-fom-cart-grac.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2024/05/CART-CAP-MoRE-Summit202-low-res.pdf

CART Project

Misinformation 505
Ottawa to Study Vulnerable Places Bubble Zones


“Ottawa bylaw to be crafted after the Vaughan one.”

If you have not read the Vaughan bylaw you should. Canadians are gradually losing our fundamental rights and we are just sitting in the pot with the frogs getting warmed up – but we all know how this ends.. We must watch these discussions very closely and to be honest I am not sure why some organization is not taking the Vaughan Municipality to Court. In my view these bylaws are outside of municipal jurisdiction and the offences they are concerned about are covered currently by our Criminal Code and more – so what is the real purpose?

A question we should delve into some more, but for me we have more examples of a manufactured problem and along comes our big brother municipal, provincial or federal government to solve the problem except we end up ceding our God given rights. Mayor Brown in Brampton is also looking at this type of bylaw. If Canadian s do not wake up soon, we will be under even more tyranny or possibly a socialist society. If there are folks who do not know how to protest or assemble peacefully, then arrest them and teach them our Canadian way, but do not turn this country into a nation with no other acceptable opinion than that of the governments’. If you have not seen any of this before please look at the links below.


Vaughan Bylaw Bubble zone July 24th 2024


Vaughan Bylaw – the mayor





I will leave you with a link to an article that I have only read recently, but which outlines, at least to me, what is happening and has been happening here in Canada – it was started just over a hundred years ago in Nazi Germany – it is called” Lugenpresse” or “fake news” and it is being used against the people of Canada right now. Please wake up.  https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/16/opinion/hitler-speech-1919.html

As the voices of journalists were weakened, the propagandists delivered the coup de grâce. By then, Hitler and the Nazis had found the simple slogan they repeated again and again to discredit reporters: “Lügenpresse.” Today the extreme right in Germany has revived this term, which in English is “fake news.”