Over the years I have been trying to understand what happened to the once noble profession of medicine, in this country particularly, but also worldwide. In 2008 when we were faced with the fabricated scare around Human papilloma virus, I discovered the unhealthy practice of Big Pharma partnering or sponsoring medical conferences at all levels in this country. To many this may seem a natural occurrence, but when we discovered the massive amounts of money provided by certain pharmaceutical companies, it made you ask, how is the medical profession free if it relies so heavily on pharmaceutical companies to provide funding for research. Surely, this is a massive conflict of interest?
I had not thought to look at this in connection with the abortion pill until recently and what did I find when I looked at the “partners” the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists have for its 2022 ACSA/CCSA Conference?. In the Bronze section we have Linepharma ,which happens to be “the Canadian sales and distribution arm of Linepharma International” which manufactures and distributes the abortion pill product, Mifegymiso.
“Linepharma International Inc. is a privately held pharmaceutical company specializing in the licensing, regulatory, marketing, sales, and distribution of niche pharmaceutical products with a primary focus on sexual and reproductive health. Formerly Celopharma Inc., Linepharma International Inc. is the Canadian sales and distribution arm of Linepharma International Ltd., the first pharmaceutical company to commercialize the co-packaged presentation of the two products required to complete a medication abortion. Known as Mifegymiso in Canada, our product for medication abortion is distributed across the country through pharmacy, clinics, and hospitals. Linepharma is passionately committed to maintaining and expanding Canadian’s access and rights to sexual and reproductive health products and services.”
In a statement regarding medical abortion the SOGC states “regardless of the situation, it is always a woman’s choice whether to continue with a pregnancy or not.” “Abortion is a necessary option..” “The SOGC, the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Canadian Pharmacists Association worked together to create a comprehensive online training course for health care providers…So far 2,904 providers have completed training……the provincial government does indeed have a major opportunity to improve access, as it has done with procedures such as hips and knees…”
Now steady on, we know that 66% of Canadians have no clue as to when human life begins, but is it possible that the SOGC equates the killing of our tiniest member of the human family to a knee or hip joint procedure?
In an August 2022 article entitled “The SOGC supports high-quality accessible abortion care”, the authors state, “Equitable access to abortion care is a basic human right…..the need for surgical abortion, particularly second-trimester surgical; abortion remains…Funding for second-trimester training programs is more important than ever to maintain access to services now and in the future…
I have focused heavily on the SOGC to illustrate the utter betrayal I believe this professional body has perpetrated against mothers and their babies. This field of medicine supposedly dedicated to women’s health and the care of the child before as well as after birth has become an advocate for abortion bought and paid for by the abortion industry calling on ministries of education across Canada to fund training, “in advanced and complex family planning provision, including second-trimester surgical abortion…”
Where does this betrayal and abandonment leave pregnant women? Well in one instance it leaves those mothers who have suffered a miscarriage to listen to abortion advocates who consider the line between miscarriage and intentional abortion “blurry”. Their tremendous loss and grieving compared to the intentional killing of the child in the womb!
It leaves those women who have taken the abortion pills at home and alone traumatized by the experience, which they underwent with no medical care at all. “It will stick with me forever!” It leaves women at the mercy of an online Black Market in abortion pills. Advised to cross into other countries for medication or order unknown brand name abortion medication not approved by their country’s drug directorate. According to the US National Association of Boards of Pharmacy “Ninety -six percent of the online pharmacies out there are illegitimate..”
It is also recognized that sex traffickers, abusers and rapist can use these illegitimate pharmacies to cover up their actions. However, even on a normal scale of things, this lethal drug combination places women’s health at risk with 4 times the rate of adverse events of surgical abortion. There has been a massive cover up regarding the pain and trauma associated with medical abortion, let alone the suppression regarding the ability to reverse this abortion process! Not only is the information being suppressed but pregnancy centres which provide real alternatives are being attacked and submitted to lies and violent attacks on their premises.
All this with no squeak from the SOGC! In an August 2022 report from the UK it was noted that ambulance dispatches and 999 calls responding to abortion pill concerns have risen 64% since 2019. A telemedicine facility in the US is now encouraging women to order their pills before they get pregnant. Currently now offered in 4 states the facility is working on expansion across the US.
The latest advancement of the abortion pill comes now in the from of pressure from student groups that abortion pills should be available on all campuses and even now there is a dispensing machine in the basement of one US university and if these students prevail this will be the norm!
The SOGC’s position on abortion and its partnerships with Big Pharma, transform a once noble institution into a travesty and tarnished, bought and paid for version of what it is supposed to be. I recognize that the doctors willing to kill at either end of life comprise a small majority of those practicing, but it seems the tail is wagging the dog currently and it is far past time for those ethical SOGC members to demand a return to ethical medicine and ethical leadership. The health of Canadian mothers and babies depend upon it.