It seems that the abortion industry, medical journals, and the media believe women should be kept in the dark regarding the affect that induced abortion may have on their mental health. It amazes me how abortion advocates never seem to tire of screaming “choice” yet, appear quite content that the “choice” is not informed. A bit like the choice to open a door, and not being informed that there might be a man-eating lion on the other side – not a choice you want really!!!!!!
Recent research is providing information confirming that the majority of women undergo “unwanted abortions” – policy-makers and medical professionals appear uninterested that women undergo unwanted abortions and that this only adds to the inherent physical, emotional and psychological risks of induced abortion.
I firmly believe that the abortion pot is boiling over and it will be much too difficult, in the face of evidence from women themselves, for the medical community to maintain the façade that abortion is healthcare – given the obviouse evidence of such physical, emotional, and psychological carnage. Please take the time to read The Elliott Institute News regarding “Abortion linked to more mental health disorders in Danish national study.” (linked below)
“Women frequently choose abortion due to perceived pressures from other people, financial concerns, or other circumstantial pressures. These pressures, individually and/or together, are strongly associated with more negative emotions about their abortion; more disruptions of their daily life, work, or relationships; more frequent dreams, flashbacks, or intrusive thoughts about their abortions; more frequent feelings of loss, grief, or sadness about their abortions; more moral and maternal conflict over their abortion decisions; a perceived decline in their overall mental health that they attribute to their abortions; and a higher degree of desire or need for help to cope with negative feelings about their abortions.”
Results: Across all psychiatric diagnoses, cumulative average monthly rate of first-time psychiatric contact increased from an odds ratio of 1.12(95%CI:1.02to1.22) at 9-months to 1.49 (95% CI: 1.37 to 1.63) at 12 months post-abortion as compared to the 9 months pre-abortion rate. At 12 months post-abortion, first-time psychiatric contact was higher across all four diagnostic groupings and highest for personality or behavioral disorders (OR=1.87; 95% CI:1.48 to 2.36) and neurotic, stress related, or somatoform disorders (OR=1.60; 95% CI: 1.41 to 1.81).
“One would think that medical journals would welcome critical reviews and re-analyses that help to improve and clarify the medical record,” Reardon said, “but when it comes to abortion, most journals are afraid to publish anything that challenges the myth that abortion is anything but always beneficial to every woman in every circumstance.” Dave Reardon
Abortion linked to more mental health disorders in Danish national study.
Elliot Institute