GoFundMe Campaign

300 children are aborted daily across Canada and Alliance for Life Ontario works to end this tragedy in our province at a financial cost of $300 a day throughout the year. $82.00 a day pays our one staff member and the rest covers programs, educational outreach, planning of annual conferences, production of materials, social media and running of our office. Are the lives of women and their preborn children worth $300.00 a day or more to you? If so please read on…

84% of induced abortions in Ontario occur in out of hospital facilities where there is no provincial legislation mandating them to report demographic statistics on abortion outcomes. Who is going to educate Ontarians and challenge our provincial government to mandate reporting of demographic abortion statistics –  if we do not?

A staggering 60% of Canadian women who have had abortions, report being forced or coerced by boyfriends, family or friends, or driven by current circumstances to undergo induced abortions that were contrary to their own values and preferences! Unwanted abortions are the opposite of free choice. Who is going to educate Ontarians of the necessity to change the narrative, women are undergoing unwanted abortions – they are not carrying unwanted children – if we do not?

Safe Abortion Access zones in Ontario, prevent pro-life Ontarians from offering women a last chance to be informed of the support that is available to them, before entering the abortion facility.

Who will educate Ontarians that these zones only rob women of the help they actually want, or who will demand that support programs for women in unexpected pregnancy be established by provincial government – if we do not?

75% of Canadian women report experiencing the worst of any negative emotions and/or mental health issues due to abortion, immediately (35.3%), within a year (14.6%), peaking more than a year later (10.9%) some continuing to persist even today, up to twenty years later(14.6). Who is going to educate Ontarians and challenge government to implement regulations that will ensure abortion providers provide adequate pre-abortion screening and counselling – if we do not?

We need to turn the staggering number of “unwanted abortions” into a demand for effective and popular policy initiatives. Who will ask for legislative hearings to discover the extent of and, the harm caused by induced abortion, culminating in the production of an effective Ontario strategy to reduce “unwanted abortion” – if we do not?

Who will educate Ontarians regarding the urgent need for the creation of provincial legislation establishing an Internet accessible pre-abortion risk assessment form, that would collect data useful for identifying, risk factors for negative abortion outcomes, reasons for abortion, follow-up assessment for complications, and other data useful to evaluate incidence rates of coerced or unwanted abortions – if we do not?

An Abortion Access, Risks, and Complications Registry (AARC) would not directly ban or regulate abortions on a provincial scale, it simply requires reporting of data and it poses no burden on women other than completing a pre-abortion screening form. The registry would set a provincial standard for pre-abortion screening, to assist counsellors identify and prevent coerced or unwanted abortions and there would be data – currently nonexistent from out of hospital facilities. The collection of data would also help with collecting accurate numbers and identify the percentages of women who have known risk factors.

While abortion advocates insist induced abortion is healthcare there are questions which need to be asked.

• How is induced abortion health care when it is used to kill one patient and often causes physical, mental or emotional harm to another?
• Why is it that advocates of induced abortion historically target disadvantaged groups such as women, minorities, and those with disabilities?
• Why have abortion activists ignored medical developments over the past 50 years, arguing that qualified surgeons, regulated facilities, sonographic documentation, laboratory evaluation and other considerations including parental notification are unnecessary actions?

If Alliance for Life Ontario does not ask these questions – then who will?

Alliance for Life Ontario developed a program called Alma Mater to assist students on University and College campuses across Ontario access life affirming help if they are experiencing an unexpected pregnancy. The idea is to provide information regarding pregnancy support services offered on or close by to the University or College, plus a bursary to assist them during this stressful period as well as any help they require to bring their babies to term. The Alma Mater Program is ready to go, but necessary funds are just not there at the moment. The annual need to kick-start and maintain this program is $15,000.

Alliance for Life Ontario has sponsored the first ever Canadian study regarding unwanted abortion, and there is a need to commission another, but our lack of financial resources prevents that currently. $10,000 is required to commission a follow-up.

Please consider making a donation to our GoFundMe Campaign. Our little ones in the womb and their mothers have no voice but yours and with your financial donations we can make that voice count for so very much both in the public and political arena, with our educational information. We do not have a fancy office, we have one paid staff member, and we use our finances most wisely, but there is so much more we could do with your financial help. Because we stand so strongly for protection of human life in all circumstances, we have not been awarded Charitable status in the past and not likely to obtain it now even though our work is educational in nature and so are the groups who affiliate with our provincial organization.

Please be the one to help us change the climate here in Ontario and assist all women in unexpected pregnancy, but especially the majority of women who undergo unwanted abortions to receive the help that they want to bring their babies to term. Help us educate the public that induced abortion is harming the majority of women who undergo it against their values – if we can change the narrative we can win the day for mothers and their children!!

Thank you so very much for your help to turn the hearts of Ontario to these women and their children. Women deserve better than abortion!