Bullying of New Brunswick by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau et al
“Today the lesson is clear that money, power and influence sustain the lies and deceit of private industry.”
I am wondering if our Prime Minister will be featured in bullying prevention month 2021 since we all know “Bullying is a form of abuse at the hands of peers…It is targeted and repeated. It involves power, aggression, intimidation and shame” Bullies need to learn how to relate to others and must be dissuaded “from using power and aggression to control and hurt others” – if bullying is not stopped then those “who watch learn how power is gained by intimidation, and how control is gained through fear.”
On July 27th, 2021, a Canadian Press headline reported that “Trudeau says Ottawa withholding ‘millions of dollars’ from N.B. over abortion access“. The New Brunswick government provincially insures, induced abortions at two hospital facilities but will not cover the costs at a private facility which is basically a physician’s office. Yet since 2015 the federal government has targeted New Brunswick and repeatedly withheld funds from transfer payments in order to bully the province into covering induced abortion at one facility! “Moncton, N.B.–Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his government is withholding millions of dollars in health-care transfers to New Brunswick because the province is limiting access to abortion.” This is the kind of behaviour we are used to seeing in banana republics, by tyrants, and communist leaders or more simply in playgrounds – it is just plain bullying and an abuse of power and position in order to push a personal ideology through the Prime Minister’s public office.
Let us be clear that preparing the list of insured medical services is a provincial government’s responsibility, nothing at all to do with our Prime Minister. Another point of clarification might be that the Health Care Act does not name induced abortion as “medically necessary”, a point it is hard to argue with since abortion proponents including the Prime Minister consider induced abortion a woman’s “choice” – even when 69% of Canadian women don’t choose it, during their lifetime! The inclusion of abortion as ‘medically necessary” on provincially insured lists defies any standard of logic or medical science. The current situation really is that medical killing via induced abortion is sought for any number of socio-economic reasons and the once noble profession of medicine has some very less than noble physicians who have agreed to be medical assassins.
There is also the outright lie that the 1988 Morgentaler decision made induced abortion a woman’s “right” – you might want to read the Parliamentary Library document on that point “ The majority of the Court did not rule that women had an unconditional right to abortion under the Charter.” Page 8 Abortion- Legal Aspects 80-9e September 1989. Then of course you have to ask the question, Do, private abortion clinics deserve to be part of a province’s health care system? Abortion clinics only seem to report numbers for insurance reimbursement, they are not provincially mandated to report demographic data, yet perform about 80% of induced abortions. We have no demographic data to follow the consequences of these procedures on women’s current or future health when the abortion is performed in clinics. Our sole source of demographic data comes from hospitals, which leaves a gaping 80% hole in what we can observe as the outcome of induced abortion on women’s current and future health.
One might also want to consider why the overwhelming number of obstetricians/gynaecologists, family physicians and 84% of Canadian hospitals do not provide abortion if it is supposedly an essential part of women’s health care? Could it possibly be they might consider the killing of one of their patients at the request of another anything but healthcare! In the US over 85% of Ob/Gyns in a representative national survey did not perform abortions.
Then you have the information that women are never told including but not limited to,
- “The overall incidence of adverse events was fourfold higher in the medical compared with surgical abortion cohort.”
42,619 women who had an abortion up to 63, days were followed up until 42 days after undergoing either surgical(20,251) or medical abortion. (22,368). The number of women used to prove the “safety analysis” for licensing Mifegymiso in Canada was a total 1,695 from 3 studies! - Abortion Pill Reversal is successful 64-68% of the time currently babies have been saved so far with some in the US and Canada – Women do have a second chance at choice.
- 100’s of babies have been saved so far with some in the US and Canada – Women do have a second chance at choice.
- Prior surgical uterine evacuation for either I-TOP or SAB is an independent risk factor for PTB.
****1-TOP is One termination of pregnancy, SAB is a Surgical Abortion, PTB is Pre-term Birth - Huge 2011 study: Abortion and mental health: quantitative synthesis and analysis of research published 1995-2009
The article is comprised of 22 studies from 6 countries, 36 measures of effect and 877,181 participants (163,831 experienced an abortion). This review offers the largest estimate of mental health risks associated with abortion available in the world literature. The results revealed an 81% increased risk of mental health problems after abortion. - Induced Abortion and Breast Cancer
Epidemiologic Studies: Induced Abortion and Breast Cancer Risk Updated April 2020 Total Studies = 76 Positive Association= 61 Statistically Significant = 41 Negative Association = 12 Statistically Significant = 4 Null (no effect) = 3
http://www.theunchoice.com/pdf/FactSheets/RecentResearch.pdf Abortion – harm to women
http://www.theunchoice.com/pblresearch.htm Research
None of this should be surprising given the current environment in which we live – “protect abortion” is always the priority – even at the cost of women’s health and possibly their lives. It is unconscionable that, Canada has such incomplete data collection on both surgical and medical abortion procedures which makes it impossible to gauge the effect of induced abortion on women’s health. The Ontario Ministry of Health reported that 45,363 Mifegymiso prescription claims were made between August 2017 and December 2020 in Ontario, yet you cannot find any record of these abortions in the officially released Canadian statistics! Ontario always has a huge number of unreported induced abortions each year because both funded and unfunded private facilities do not report the numbers of induced abortions paid by cash or another insurance. As listed above important information on inherent risk factors of induced abortion and pertinent facts are withheld from women who have a right to know. Canada compounds this callous disregard even further, since 80% of induced abortions in Canada are procured in facilities where there is no legal provincially mandated requirement to report outcomes, including numbers or demographics.
Induced abortion is not medically indicated for any illness, injury or disease and has been proven to harm many of the women who undergo one. Surely, presented with the evidence here, one can be drawn to no other conclusion except that induced abortion is second class healthcare (if one considers it healthcare at all)? There is a pressing need for truth, honesty and integrity in this nationwide discussion, if we are to protect Canadian girls and women from the many harms that induced abortion may have in store for their current and continued health, and this discussion needs to include the suppression of risk factors and facts, which is being perpetrated in order to protect the “safe” abortion rhetoric.
Prime Minister, stop bullying New Brunswick – it just might have some integrity and wish to ensure that those women who decide to undergo abortion have the proper hospital care available should anything go wrong during the abortion procedure and also that it has the ability to collect the demographic data it requires to track the outcome of induced abortion on women’s health. Sadly, the child rarely survives induced abortion but that is the intent is it not? Back off Mr. Prime Minister and respect the decisions of your peers to make the choices that seem best for their provinces or be shown to be the bully that you are – gosh knows this is not the only area you have displayed this trait.
Mrs Jakki Jeffs
Executive Director
Alliance for Life Ontario