National Day of the Child: Wanted? Planned? Expected? Perfect? Designer? Born?

Seems ironic today that one of the first emails I received today was from the Prime Minister’s office celebrating the 30th National Day of the Child!! Why, you may very well ask, well let me quote some of the statement, and I probably will not have to point out the reason.

“In 1993, the Government of Canada declared November 20 as National Child Day, coinciding with the fourth anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This day now serves as an annual reminder of Canada’s commitment to a world where children’s rights are protected, and children are treated with respect and dignity….”

“And we launched the Canada Dental Benefit to deliver oral health care to children, because no one should have to choose between taking care of their kids’ teeth and putting food on the table.”

Now hold on a moment, the “child” in the womb, has no right to life in Canada by law! Our government has chosen to fight continually to keep that a fact, despite irrefutable scientific evidence, that these little ones are human beings – except of course in an antiquated section of the Canadian Criminal Code.

Since 1969 almost 5 ,000,000 Canadian children growing in the womb have been slaughtered by abortion and, their mothers placed in harms way – how is that protecting children and respecting their dignity? You may feel that “slaughter” is a strong word, but you would not feel that way if you had seen the tiny victims. The link following is regarding a workshop presented by the National Abortion Federation, if you can believe a Charity in Canada! In many slides it notes embryo not visible as though the little one was not there.

If I may I suggest that you look at slides 28, 34, 35, 38, 55, 57, 59, 60 and 62 you will see the charitable work that NAF is involved with in Canada. Meanwhile pre-born children can be chemically killed, ripped to pieces by surgical abortion, all strongly supported and defended by our Federal Government and almost totally paid for by our provincial governments.

You will note in the NAF slideshow “The Basics of First Trimester Surgical Abortion” where the pre-born child is referred to as tissue, that rather than as the Prime Minister states; “When we invest in children, we invest in a brighter future… Together, we will continue to work to build a more inclusive country for our kids, where they can reach their full potential with happiness, love and opportunity,” we as a country have abandoned our future generations to political posturing on abortion, wiped away their future, and left their mothers to a so-called “choice” they overwhelming tell us would reject if we helped them.

Meanwhile pre-born children can be chemically killed, ripped to pieces by surgical abortion and all strongly supported by our Federal government and almost totally paid for by our provincial governments, while their mothers in their thousands are emotionally, psychologically or physically harmed and denied, in the case of chemical abortion a remedy that in 64%-68% of the time would save their child. The medical profession also bears great blame for this abandonment of mothers in unexpected pregnancy, it knows that the child in the womb is its patient and it also knows, contrary to statements that have been made, that abortion pill reversal is a safe and effective second choice for mothers who regret taking the abortion pill.

I would note that NAF explains on its website, that a medical (chemical) abortion is similar to a miscarriage, a comment I believe that is an affront to those who have suffered the loss of a child in this manner.  This morning I read a piece regarding the world famous chef Gordon Ramsay and his wife, welcoming their sixth little one, Jesse into the world. The article mentioned that the family had suffered the loss of Rocky at 5 months gestational age, seven years ago, and how he was always remembered and is part of this beautiful family. I could not believe some of the heartless responses and I list them below because they are such a reminder of the hardness of heart in our world and the amazing ignorance and base level that some people have to stoop to, to retain the myth that a child, a little human being does not exist before birth. I intentionally include our Federal and Provincial Governments, our politicians and our medical professionals among the hard-hearted.

“As sad and tragic as this is, which is very much is. He didn’t lose a child[,] he lost a fetus,” wrote janate66, “it’s not the same. It was not viable on its own. Still sad, but different. People can move on from losing a fetus as tough as it is, no one (except for psychopaths) get over losing a child.” She added in a separate comment, “Yes people who have lost a fetus can move on, but not those who have lost a child.”

I have linked yet another brilliant article on the abortion pill, provided by the Population Research Institute, founder Steven Mosher, “Everything you need to know about the abortion pill.”

It is becoming way too apparent that many on the pro-abortion side, whether they be health professionals, politicians or advocates,  care nothing for mother or child, abandoning both to the abortion industry, while our Federal Government stands on the brink of taking charitable status away from the organizations which offer these mothers assistance they themselves,  say they desire  and need to avoid undergoing unwanted abortions– it makes absolutely no sense.

NAF Canada is a registered charity and can provide charitable tax receipts for donations.”

“As sad and tragic as this is, which is very much is. He didn’t lose a child[,] he lost a fetus,” wrote janate66, “it’s not the same. It was not viable on its own. Still sad, but different. People can move on from losing a fetus as tough as it is, no one (except for psychopaths) get over losing a child.” She added in a separate comment, “Yes people who have lost a fetus can move on, but not those who have lost a child.”

Mindlesswitterings commented, “The fetus wasn’t viable with life, therefore it cannot die.”

Likewise, simulation_workwear wrote, “‘Rocky’ was a fetus who wasn’t alive and couldn’t die.”

Commenter flat_earth_mom wrote, “A Foetus is not a child.”

And elsinore71 wrote, “Lost a fetus so sorry.”

Johnnydub1974 simply stated, “In USA it’s not a baby until it exists [sic] the birth giver.”

And codymayshare cruelly told the family to get over it, writing, “You can honor the children that would have been but this is too much. 7 years ago? You had Oscar since then.”