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So far admin has created 100 blog entries.

Justin, listen to your Dad

Like father, like son, does not apply to you on abortion. On May 11th 2023 a short video was released, you will note it was the date of our March for Life in Ottawa. Several Liberal Ministers, and MPs, waxed lyrical on why they were, as they put it, “pro-choice”. I have noted before that being pro-choice is not an actual position, we are all for choice but not the choice of induced abortion since it kills an innocent human being. When faced with unexpected pregnancy the only difference between the so-called pro-choice movement and our Culture of [...]

Justin, listen to your Dad2023-05-31T11:03:16-04:00

Chemical Abortion – Weasel Words, Deception – A Fatal and harmful Cocktail of drugs

It has occurred to me how important the words we use really are and how, when we change the meaning or the use, they are deceptive and mask the truth. In a recent article authored by Sharon Kirkey which ran in the National Post it was noted that almost 40% of abortions in Canada are “medical” abortions When we hear “medical” we think of medicine which generally is helpful for symptoms or conditions during illness or disease.etc. In the case of abortion the so called medical abortion is a cocktail of two drugs, which according to Health Canada in 2017 [...]

Chemical Abortion – Weasel Words, Deception – A Fatal and harmful Cocktail of drugs2023-04-18T17:55:36-04:00

Death of a young mother, thousands of children killed, and many more mothers harmed

Adverse event report 001010083, Part II Death of a young mother, thousands of children killed, and many more mothers harmed: In our Adverse event report 001010083, Part I post, I mentioned Jenny or as she is better known to Health Canada Vigilance Reporting Office, #001010083. On February 28th I received a comprehensive response, and I want to share just a little with you today, because for the longest while I could not get past the first few sentences of the communication. I have repeated the main sentence below and broken it down in two segments to highlight my thoughts in [...]

Death of a young mother, thousands of children killed, and many more mothers harmed2023-03-21T14:52:30-04:00

Adverse Event Report 001010083, Part I

Adverse event report 001010083 Part 1: Female 19 years a serious report death as a result adverse reaction term being “septic shock” The report came from a hospital on July 4th 2022 This it appears is all we need to know about a young woman of 19 who died last year after using Mifegymiso to abort her pre-born child. I believe that as a public, and certainly all the young women considering this abortion protocol, we have a right know more. With that in mind I have made an official request for more information and for the protocol [...]

Adverse Event Report 001010083, Part I2023-03-21T08:49:58-04:00

A betrayal of the public they purport to serve

Pharmacists and physicians involvement in medical killing is outrageous and a betrayal of the public they purport to serve. The Ontario Pharmacist Association was “Incorporated in 1966, OPA advocates on behalf of more than 20,000 pharmacy professionals in Ontario. The Ontario Pharmacists Association is committed to evolving the pharmacy profession and advocating for excellence in practice and patient care” OPA’s mission and vision are supported on what OPA calls “strong foundational values that are proudly upheld by OPA leadership and team members.” One of these strong foundational values is integrity, defined as “being transparent and holding true to what we believe is [...]

A betrayal of the public they purport to serve2023-01-05T13:32:45-05:00

Informed women, an informed public, educated politicians, and an ethical medical profession will end elective abortion in Canada

Informed women, an informed public, educated politicians, and an ethical medical profession will end elective abortion in Canada "Science knows when a human being begins to exist and has known officially and internationally since 1942 with the Carnegie Stages of Human Embryonic Development. Science also knows that a human being is the same organism throughout all the various stages of his or her biological existence…" Yet, two thirds of Canadians appear to have no clue that science has established beyond a shadow of a doubt that a human being comes into existence at fertilization, a week [...]

Informed women, an informed public, educated politicians, and an ethical medical profession will end elective abortion in Canada2022-12-14T17:10:14-05:00

SOGC Medical Hypocrisy – A Profession bought and paid for by Big Pharma?

Over the years I have been trying to understand what happened to the once noble profession of medicine, in this country particularly, but also worldwide. In 2008 when we were faced with the fabricated scare around Human papilloma virus, I discovered the unhealthy practice of Big Pharma partnering or sponsoring medical conferences at all levels in this country. To many this may seem a natural occurrence, but when we discovered the massive amounts of money provided by certain pharmaceutical companies, it made you ask, how is the medical profession free if it relies so heavily on pharmaceutical [...]

SOGC Medical Hypocrisy – A Profession bought and paid for by Big Pharma?2022-10-17T16:35:56-04:00

Women & Girls Deserve Better Than Abortion

Women & Girls Deserve Better Than Abortion Girls and Women really do deserve much better than abortion and should not be denied a second chance at choice. Here’s why you need to believe it and get the message out!!!! Currently, I am researching how Ontario abortion facilities, which are not hospitals, are inspected, who is empowered to conduct these inspections and how often they occur. A reference to Kermit Gosnell in an article a few weeks ago, reminded me of a project AFLO conducted in 2011 and I thought that it was time for a follow [...]

Women & Girls Deserve Better Than Abortion2022-09-12T14:54:27-04:00

Never say “Pro-choice” again – the accurate term is “pro-abortion” and here is why

Never say “Pro-choice” again - the accurate term is “pro-abortion” and here is why Hello again everyone, this month’s message is based on two articles that have been published – one by Live Action in July 2022 and one by Vice in August 2019. I absolutely mean it when I say that the term “pro-choice” should be scratched from our vocabulary when we are discussing induced abortion. You will remember that over a year ago our Abortion Pill Reversal Facebook page was taken down by Facebook after a massive attack, by members of the so-called “pro-choice movement,” to [...]

Never say “Pro-choice” again – the accurate term is “pro-abortion” and here is why2022-08-11T19:44:31-04:00

Canadian Activist Health Professionals Place Medical Abortion Access Ahead of Women’s Health and Safety

A Tale of Two Kinds of Physicians On 4th of July this year CTV News Montreal ran an article on entitled, “Ultrasounds no longer required in Quebec before getting abortion pill.” Quebec is the most recent province to suspend the requirement for an ultrasound before medical abortion and this effort, like one before in BC during 2019, which preceded deregulation of Mifepristone dispensing – a global first - was brought about by abortion-supporting medical professionals working together. Three hundred physicians signed a letter requesting that an ultrasound should no longer be required in Quebec prior to medical [...]

Canadian Activist Health Professionals Place Medical Abortion Access Ahead of Women’s Health and Safety2022-07-11T18:08:55-04:00
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