
Standing Firm: Reflecting on Bill C-43 and the Fight for Human Dignity in Canada

As we all enter this busy, but most beautiful season, I was asked a question to reflect upon. The question was placed in the context, that the younger pro-lifers and newer pro-life groups led by many great pro-life young people are questioning whether the pro-life movement should have opposed Bill C-43 An Act respecting Abortion, in 1990. Many, it seems blame those of us who did oppose it for the tragic state of protection of human life in Canada today.  I have listed below some of the points that we had to base our correct decision to [...]

Standing Firm: Reflecting on Bill C-43 and the Fight for Human Dignity in Canada2024-12-26T10:48:22-05:00

Lugenpresse, an old tactic with a devastating modern twist – you decide

“Lugenpresse” an old tactic with a devastating modern twist – you decide? To be honest, I do not know where to start this month! Okay let’s start here. Misinformation 101 On October 29th 2024 I sent the following email to the Ministry of Justice, as I found a glaring error which I explain below to the Minister. I have not received a response as of today, November 12th 2024. The email to contact the Ministry of Justice is: . Any politicians who see this might just consider asking why this error has occurred. Of course, anyone else may [...]

Lugenpresse, an old tactic with a devastating modern twist – you decide2024-11-14T09:05:06-05:00

Canada – A Nation Completely Adrift

Both parliament and the judiciary are historical products of the human spirit, designed by political and social man to serve man. The state is for the man, not the man for the state. When the life of any human being, born or unborn, innocent of any crime, is threatened by direct unprovoked attack, the judiciary must intervene to serve man… David Dehler, Forward, The New Canadian Ethic: Kill our Unborn Canadians, 1980 In 2024 it seems that in politics and in the judiciary this service has been reduced to the service of some men to the detriment [...]

Canada – A Nation Completely Adrift2024-10-25T09:10:25-04:00

Solidarity with Atrocity 2024

– A Solidarity With Killing Hello everyone, well it is time for another MailChimp, and two things have helped focus my comments today. The first is the notice of the upcoming “Abortion Solidarity” theme for the International Safe Abortion Day on September 28th 2024 which I received at the weekend and the September, 14th article by Brett McKay in the Penticton Herald regarding Covenant Health in Alberta possibly taking over former Alberta Health Services Hospitals. So let us deal with this abominable Solidarity with Atrocity 2024 which will be celebrated by thousands around the world on September 28th 2024. Induced [...]

Solidarity with Atrocity 20242024-09-20T11:07:41-04:00

2024 Conference Videos

If you missed our 2024 Conference and the amazing talks given by our speakers, you can watch video recordings of their presentations below. Canadian Women Undergoing Unwanted Abortions 2024 Survey Defending Our Inherent Freedoms as Pro Life Canadians Hospice Fights Back Against Forced MAiD Inclusion MAiD the Horrific Truth Medical Abortion: The Deception – The Numbers – The Reversal 2024 Conference Highlight Reel [...]

2024 Conference Videos2024-08-28T14:57:10-04:00

Alliance for Life Ontario Needs Your Help

GoFundMe Campaign 300 children are aborted daily across Canada and Alliance for Life Ontario works to end this tragedy in our province at a financial cost of $300 a day throughout the year. $82.00 a day pays our one staff member and the rest covers programs, educational outreach, planning of annual conferences, production of materials, social media and running of our office. Are the lives of women and their preborn children worth $300.00 a day or more to you? If so please read on... 84% of induced abortions in Ontario occur in out of hospital facilities where [...]

Alliance for Life Ontario Needs Your Help2024-07-23T10:02:54-04:00

Canada’s Health System is unprepared to provide high-quality pregnancy care for those with disabilities

25% of Canadians live with a disability and 1 in 8 babies are born to mothers living with a disability, yet this comprehensive study outlines the unreadiness of Canada’ s Health System to address the specific issues women who live with disability, experience during their pregnancy. We are thankful to the US National Institute for Health for addressing this appalling state of affairs on such a crucial issue. Possibly in Canada we are too fond of talking about the issue but not focussing on how we can do better, and for women living with disabilities who are [...]

Canada’s Health System is unprepared to provide high-quality pregnancy care for those with disabilities2024-06-25T14:17:38-04:00

Abortion wreaks havoc on women’s mental health

It seems that the abortion industry, medical journals, and the media believe women should be kept in the dark regarding the affect that induced abortion may have on their mental health. It amazes me how abortion advocates never seem to tire of screaming “choice” yet, appear quite content that the “choice” is not informed. A bit like the choice to open a door, and not being informed that there might be a man-eating lion on the other side – not a choice you want really!!!!!! Recent research is providing information confirming that the majority of women undergo [...]

Abortion wreaks havoc on women’s mental health2024-05-22T11:39:04-04:00

Abortion Trauma and Grief is Real

What about the majority of women who do not "Shout out their abortion? We have known since 2004 that 64% of US women who underwent induced abortion reported being pressured and attributed traumatic symptoms, for example substance abuse, sexual disorders, and suicidal thoughts directly to their abortions. Peer reviewed studies have linked induced abortion to increased risk of anxiety, depression, suicidal behaviour, sleep disorders and higher rates of heart disease and a 2023 study revealed that almost 70% of abortions are coerced, unwanted or inconsistent with US women’s preferences. These women attributed more negative emotions and mental [...]

Abortion Trauma and Grief is Real2024-04-29T14:42:07-04:00

Is the UK story of Carla Foster one which will be repeated here in Canada? Is this our next frontier?

From my earliest days of involvement in the pro-life educational movement I have waxed on and on about why we do not fight to have the term “child” in our Criminal Code include the pre-born Canadian. Section 223 (1) and (2) represent antiquated, outdated thinking which is contradicted to the utmost by scientific evidence of when our human lives have their origin and tender biological beginning. Way too many politicians have told me that “ now’ which currently stands for almost 35 years, is not the right time! As many, if not more of my pro-life colleagues [...]

Is the UK story of Carla Foster one which will be repeated here in Canada? Is this our next frontier?2024-02-21T14:41:56-05:00
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