We are pleased to bring to you the 50 Years of Abortion: A Time to Cherish Human Life Conference on October 4th and 5th, 2019 at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Centre in Guelph, Ontario (610 Scottsdale Drive).

A Time to Cherish Human Life Conference

This year marks our 30th anniversary. It has been a joy to partner with our provincial groups as we work together to bring about a greater respect for the dignity and worth of all human beings from conception/fertilization to natural death.

This conference is a wonderful opportunity to learn from those who are experts in their fields and who truly “cherish human life” in all its stages.

Below is the full schedule:

________________________________ Friday October 4th 2019

8.45am Welcome and Conference Opening 


The Sexual Mess We Are In and How Did We Get Here” – Professor Janet Smith (Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit)

10.45am -12.15pm

Green Sex is Best” – Professor Janet Smith



“Abortion Women’s Health and Healing”  Panel Presentations and Discussion

Keith Neally (Abortion and premature birth, harm to women)

Simon Czajkowski (Deveber Institute “Complications: Abortion’s Effect on Women’s Health))

Angelina Steenstra (Silent No More Awareness Campaign)

Teresa Hartnett (Project Rachel Diocese of Hamilton)

4.00pm -5.00pm

“Abortion and Men’s Health and Healing” Warren Williams (Author of “Missing Arrows”)

7.00pm Banquet

Speaker: “We Carry Kevan” Kevan Chandler “

Saturday October 5th 2019

8.45am Welcome and Opening

9.00am – 10.00am

“Abortion: “The Hard Cases” Dr Byron Calhoun ( Obstetrics & Gynecology / Maternal & Fetal Medicine/High Risk – West Virginia)

10.00am – 11.00am

“Abortion & Breast Cancer – A Deadly Risk Factor” Dr Joel Brind (Breast Cancer Prevention Institute)

11.15am -12.15pm

“Abortion Worldwide Report – Canada Update 2019”  Thomas Jacobson (Global Life Campaign)



The Perinatal Model of Hospice and Palliative Care” Dr Byron Calhoun

2.45pm- 3.45pm

“Euthanasia in Canada and beyond – An Update” Alex Schadenberg (Euthanasia Prevention Coalition)

4.00pm – 5.00pm

“Promoting the Culture of Life – A Cause Worth Giving Your Life” Jim Hughes Past President Campaign Life Coalition

5.00pm Closing and Farewell


Click here to download our brochure.

Click here for our promo poster.

Click on the button below to register online or call 519.824.7797 or email aflo@mgl.ca.


A Time to Cherish Human Life Conference

Registration deadline is Tuesday October 1st.th 2019.