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So far admin has created 100 blog entries.

Dangerous Deception by the Abortion Industry

Dangerous Deception: Once again, our monthly social media Grassroots Campaign is addressing medical abortion. In the past we have stated our belief that women are being provided  “second-class healthcare” when it comes to abortion! I am writing a blog piece this month and because of the nature of this month’s social media content I just wanted to give you a quick overview of what it will contain, which to me proves our point of “second- class health care”. While researching this particular piece, I have learnt that there was a concerted effort in Canada by medical personnel and abortion [...]

Dangerous Deception by the Abortion Industry2022-06-10T16:08:00-04:00

Misinformation, Disinformation and the Abandonment of Women by the Abortion Industry and the Government

Misinformation, Disinformation and the Abandonment of Women by the Abortion Industry and the Government I saved precious babies from pills-by-post terminations... but nearly paid with my career': NHS consultant tells how he beat a 'campaign' to have him struck off for 'abortion reversals' he provided to 65 women for free. We have received some wonderful news from Dr. Dermot Kearney in the UK. Who has been completely exonerated of any medical or ethical wrong-doing in providing abortion pill reversal to women who had changed their minds after taking the first pill used in medical abortion. Dr. [...]

Misinformation, Disinformation and the Abandonment of Women by the Abortion Industry and the Government2022-03-08T16:36:05-05:00

Teen who regrets taking the abortion pill is helped by pregnancy center

In the book “Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life & Choice,” pro-life authors Brittany and Natasha Smith tell the stories of women and families helped by pregnancy resource centers. Here is just one account (reprinted from LiveActon): Instant regret Isabella was only 17 when she became pregnant. She and her boyfriend Luis were in a close, loving relationship, but neither felt ready for parenthood. They had only been dating for three months. Now Isabella was facing an unplanned pregnancy her junior year of high school. Motivated by fear, they went to an abortion facility to get [...]

Teen who regrets taking the abortion pill is helped by pregnancy center2022-02-11T13:46:38-05:00

Action Canada is in a state of panic!

Alliance for Life Ontario has heard that Action Canada is in a state of panic over our Abortion Pill Reversal Campaign. Action Canada says... “Urgent :Help put an end to abortion reversal disinformation” Alliance for Life Ontario says… What disinformation can this possibly be? Well…. Action Canada says… “Right now, we are ringing the alarm bells about a widespread “abortion pill reversal” campaign that is quickly picking up speed across Canada. Anti-choice actors and organizations are targeting people seeking abortion with disinformation about an experimental “abortion reversal pill” and wrongfully claiming that medication abortion can be reversed mid-procedure.” Alliance [...]

Action Canada is in a state of panic!2022-02-04T17:18:31-05:00

Canada’s Day of Infamy: January 28th 1988

Canada’s Day of Infamy: January 28th 1988 I had only been in the pro-life movement for 3 years when the Supreme Court in Morgentaler struck down Canada’s abortion law. I received a phone call to let me know the decision and hearing it I sank to my knees, not because the Canadian abortion law was good, it was far from it – but that the Supreme Court had finally shrugged off Canada’s mantle of all pretense that pregnant women and their pre-born children were important to protect. Our children growing in the womb were finally abandoned totally by [...]

Canada’s Day of Infamy: January 28th 19882022-01-28T08:13:43-05:00

Brave young woman shares her devastating abortion pill story

Brave young woman shares her devastating abortion pill story “…My bed became my baby’s grave…” At 19 Natalia, found herself pregnant and readily admits that ”fear took over my life” despite the strong “instinct to love and protect my baby..” Listening to Natalia, she represents so many young women who find themselves unexpectedly pregnant. She suffered deep inner conflict, hours of coercion by friends and family, little support from those offering her induced abortion for any alternatives. In fact, she was told that she could not cope with the changes that a baby would bring into her [...]

Brave young woman shares her devastating abortion pill story2022-01-18T17:16:27-05:00

Bullying of New Brunswick by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau et al

Bullying of New Brunswick by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau et al "Today the lesson is clear that money, power and influence sustain the lies and deceit of private industry." I am wondering if our Prime Minister will be featured in bullying prevention month 2021 since we all know “Bullying is a form of abuse at the hands of peers…It is targeted and repeated. It involves power, aggression, intimidation and shame” Bullies need to learn how to relate to others and must be dissuaded “from using power and aggression to control and hurt others” – if bullying is [...]

Bullying of New Brunswick by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau et al2021-08-06T12:36:51-04:00


PICK A NUMBER, ANY NUMBER How incomplete data and the suppression of facts puts women’s health at risk Alliance for Life Ontario is thrilled to be able to provide you with our “Pick a Number – Any Number” document that we hope will provide some core information regarding induced abortion, which may suffice as a starting point for a broader and more honest discussion regarding the impact of incomplete data and suppression of facts on women’s health when it comes to abortion in our country. SUMMARY For decades, it has been difficult to obtain any current [...]

NEW RESOURCE: PICK A NUMBER, ANY NUMBER2021-05-18T18:42:46-04:00

What About The Mitchell Creinin Study?

A new study (Mifepristone Antagonization with Progesterone to Prevent Medical Abortion: A Randomised Controlled Trial ) conducted in January 2020 is often cited as evidence that the Mifeprex  (abortion pill) is safe while the Abortion Pill Reversal (progesterone) is dangerous. When in fact, quite the opposite is true. Dermot Kearney offers a critique of the study: On the Creinin study, and particularly in relation to using the findings in the study to attempt to demonstrate that APR is useless or ineffective, there are many shortcomings that need to be highlighted.  The stated aim of the study was [...]

What About The Mitchell Creinin Study?2021-05-07T20:33:00-04:00

Creinin et al Study – Spinning the Results Does Not Protect Women

Dr. Mitchell Creinin et al Study “At a Glance – Spinning the Results Does Not Protect Women” You would think the attempted reversal of abortion was to blame for some horrific outcomes. The truth is the opposite. Some important points to take away from the Creinin et Al study: Before this study was published, it was a known fact that Mifeprex can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections, excessive bleeding, and incomplete termination requiring follow-up surgery.   Firstly, a large study of women in Finland undergoing [...]

Creinin et al Study – Spinning the Results Does Not Protect Women2021-02-02T19:20:17-05:00
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