Standing Firm: Reflecting on Bill C-43 and the Fight for Human Dignity in Canada
As we all enter this busy, but most beautiful season, [...]
Lugenpresse, an old tactic with a devastating modern twist – you decide
“Lugenpresse” an old tactic with a devastating modern twist – [...]
Canada – A Nation Completely Adrift
Both parliament and the judiciary are historical products of the [...]
Solidarity with Atrocity 2024
– A Solidarity With Killing Hello everyone, well it is [...]
2024 Conference Videos
If you missed our 2024 Conference and the amazing [...]
Alliance for Life Ontario Needs Your Help
GoFundMe Campaign 300 children are aborted daily across Canada and [...]
Canada’s Health System is unprepared to provide high-quality pregnancy care for those with disabilities
25% of Canadians live with a disability and 1 in [...]
Abortion wreaks havoc on women’s mental health
It seems that the abortion industry, medical journals, and the [...]
Abortion Trauma and Grief is Real
What about the majority of women who do not "Shout [...]
Is the UK story of Carla Foster one which will be repeated here in Canada? Is this our next frontier?
From my earliest days of involvement in the pro-life educational [...]
The Lethal Legacy of the Supreme Court Decision January 28th 1988 Re: Abortion
The Lethal Legacy of the Supreme Court Decision January [...]
Little Pills That Kill
Canadian Censorship denies a second chance at choice and an [...]
Medical Heroes Fight the Canadian Government Euthanasia Juggernaut
212 Canadian medical heroes fight the Canadian government euthanasia [...]
Letter to the Mayor of London
Good Morning Mayor Morgan, Given City Council’s current discussion regarding [...]
National Day of the Child
National Day of the Child: Wanted? Planned? Expected? Perfect? [...]