Women do not have a ‘right’ to abortion in Canada
RESPONSE TO COLIN MACKAY: Women have right to abortions Saying [...]
Premier Ford Stifling Debate
RE: Doug Ford says abortion issue won’t be reopened Dear [...]
Doulas and Abortion
Below is our executive directors response to the letter to [...]
Fearfully, Wonderfully Made
Fearfully, Wonderfully Made The Questions of Stem Cells By [...]
Response to PM’s statement regarding the Aga Khan’s Birthday Statement
Dear Prime Minister, I am writing to you regarding the [...]
Aborted Fetal Human DNA in Common Vaccines
Are “aborted fetal cells” found in vaccines contributing to [...]
What Abortion Clinics Tell Women and the Research that Refutes their Claims
If a woman is considering an abortion, most people would [...]
Having Trouble Getting Abortion Statistics?
Alliance for Life Ontario has compiled the abortion data in an [...]
Is the Morning After Pill Safe?
Is the Morning After Pill Safe? Dr. Kahlenborn discusses [...]
A tale of two types of women
Susie, whose son, Ismael was found to have a fatal [...]
Please Cry for Argentina
PLEASE CRY FOR ARGENTINA Fake Science vs Real Science [...]
Conduct Unbecoming
Conduct Unbecoming Approximately two weeks ago I sent the [...]
29th Annual General Meeting and Conference
29th Annual General Meeting and Conference Please join us [...]
New Commercial Focusing on Pressure to Abort
New Commercial Focusing on Pressure to Abort [...]
The King’s Good Servant, But God’s First
The King’s Good Servant, But God’s First Dear Prime Minister, [...]