
The Lethal Legacy of the Supreme Court Decision January 28th 1988 Re: Abortion

The Lethal Legacy of the Supreme Court Decision January 28th 1988 Re: Abortion Join us for a "Day of Provincial Prayer" Time: Jan 29, 2024 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Zoom Link Meeting ID: 852 4045 2456 Passcode: 346691 Istill remember where I was when I received the call that the justices of the Supreme Court of Canada had struck down Canada’s abortion law. That message stopped the baking, the family chatter, and me in my tracks. I could not [...]

The Lethal Legacy of the Supreme Court Decision January 28th 1988 Re: Abortion2024-01-25T19:06:45-05:00

Letter to the Mayor of London

Good Morning Mayor Morgan, Given City Council’s current discussion regarding fetal imagery, I suppose it is useless to ask if we could have a set of these bronze images outside the London Health Sciences Centre? Strange that in Qatar, a country with a more closed and oppressive society than Canada, the government is not afraid of publicly portraying the “Truth” of fetal development. You have to ask why London City Council appears to believe it has a duty to gatekeep information from Londoners regarding the victims of abortion. Possibly, your City Council needs to be reminded that [...]

Letter to the Mayor of London2023-12-19T17:28:57-05:00

National Day of the Child

National Day of the Child: Wanted? Planned? Expected? Perfect? Designer? Born? Seems ironic today that one of the first emails I received today was from the Prime Minister’s office celebrating the 30th National Day of the Child!! Why, you may very well ask, well let me quote some of the statement, and I probably will not have to point out the reason. “In 1993, the Government of Canada declared November 20 as National Child Day, coinciding with the fourth anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. This day now serves as an [...]

National Day of the Child2023-11-21T11:59:22-05:00

The Canadian Government’s War Against Mothers Experiencing Unexpected Pregnancy

Abortion = Violation of personal values and preferences, Unwanted and Coerced Abortion are the order of the day but who is listening, certainly not the Canadian Government? “Our findings indicate, as a conservative estimate, that two-thirds of women experienced their abortions as a violation of their own values and preferences. A majority of women who had abortions (60%) reported they would have carried to term if they had received more support from others or had felt more financial security, and one-fourth described their abortions as either unwanted or coerced. On average, only women who described their abortions [...]

The Canadian Government’s War Against Mothers Experiencing Unexpected Pregnancy2023-10-19T17:17:23-04:00

Our Response to Justin Trudeau on International Safe Abortion Day

What a typical statement from our PM regarding abortion, let’s have more abortion and export and support the idea internationally. Abortion leaves one patient dead and the other at risk of physical, emotional, mental, or psychological harm. Studies show that a majority of women abort “wanted” children, they would never have resorted to abortion if they had been supported, and many regret that decision. On September 25th 2023 a press release informed us of the death of 24yr old, Alyona Dixon of Nevada, dead from sepsis following medical abortion. In Canada a 19 year old teenage girl, [...]

Our Response to Justin Trudeau on International Safe Abortion Day2023-09-28T12:55:47-04:00

Abandonment and killing should not have the last word

ST: That is all we have been allowed to know about a young 19 yr old, UK teenager who has spent the last months of her life fighting to live not in some kind of fox hole, but in hospital. Not fighting, her condition, she knew that it was going to shorten her life, not fighting death, it was inevitable given her illness and, again she knew she would meet him earlier than she would have liked. Not the obvious fight at all, but a fight against her medical team who somehow believed that because she [...]

Abandonment and killing should not have the last word2023-09-18T13:31:21-04:00

My home is not my home anymore – it is the place I killed my baby

My home is not my home anymore - it is the placed I killed my baby This introduction will be short because I have included some very important information for you all to consider which was distributed by Live Action and says everything, I might wish to say to you this month regarding the abortion pill method. Women are enslaved as never before by this drug cocktail abortion method, and so many regret taking the pill almost as soon as they swallow. Now their home, that safe haven that we all need, has become a killing [...]

My home is not my home anymore – it is the place I killed my baby2023-08-08T18:21:05-04:00

The Impossible Dream

I must admit I have found it difficult this month to focus on what is the most important message for us all to ponder, and finally I have focused on the lies that our country appears to be comfortable living with currently. It is now as it has always been the task of all people of good will to witness to the “Truth”. In the early days of my growing comprehension that, if one knew the Truth and did not witness to it – one was not true to oneself. I remembered the Man of La [...]

The Impossible Dream2023-07-14T14:30:43-04:00

Justin, listen to your Dad

Like father, like son, does not apply to you on abortion. On May 11th 2023 a short video was released, you will note it was the date of our March for Life in Ottawa. Several Liberal Ministers, and MPs, waxed lyrical on why they were, as they put it, “pro-choice”. I have noted before that being pro-choice is not an actual position, we are all for choice but not the choice of induced abortion since it kills an innocent human being. When faced with unexpected pregnancy the only difference between the so-called pro-choice movement and our Culture of [...]

Justin, listen to your Dad2023-05-31T11:03:16-04:00

Chemical Abortion – Weasel Words, Deception – A Fatal and harmful Cocktail of drugs

It has occurred to me how important the words we use really are and how, when we change the meaning or the use, they are deceptive and mask the truth. In a recent article authored by Sharon Kirkey which ran in the National Post it was noted that almost 40% of abortions in Canada are “medical” abortions When we hear “medical” we think of medicine which generally is helpful for symptoms or conditions during illness or disease.etc. In the case of abortion the so called medical abortion is a cocktail of two drugs, which according to Health Canada in 2017 [...]

Chemical Abortion – Weasel Words, Deception – A Fatal and harmful Cocktail of drugs2023-04-18T17:55:36-04:00
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