Dangerous Deception by the Abortion Industry
Dangerous Deception: Once again, our monthly social media Grassroots Campaign is addressing [...]
Misinformation, Disinformation and the Abandonment of Women by the Abortion Industry and the Government
Misinformation, Disinformation and the Abandonment of Women by the [...]
Teen who regrets taking the abortion pill is helped by pregnancy center
In the book “Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation on Life [...]
Action Canada is in a state of panic!
Alliance for Life Ontario has heard that Action Canada is [...]
Canada’s Day of Infamy: January 28th 1988
Canada’s Day of Infamy: January 28th 1988 I had only been [...]
Brave young woman shares her devastating abortion pill story
Brave young woman shares her devastating abortion pill story “…My [...]
Bullying of New Brunswick by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau et al
Bullying of New Brunswick by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau et [...]
PICK A NUMBER, ANY NUMBER How incomplete data and the [...]
What About The Mitchell Creinin Study?
A new study (Mifepristone Antagonization with Progesterone to Prevent Medical [...]
Creinin et al Study – Spinning the Results Does Not Protect Women
Dr. Mitchell Creinin et al Study “At a Glance [...]
Now Here’s The Thing…..
Here is the story as recounted to me regarding what [...]
The facts about abortions statistics in Canada
Abortions are actually increasing, not decreasing by Patricia Maloney of Run [...]
Conference Videos
We had a marvellous conference in Guelph, Ontario, on October [...]
Pro-lifers must eschew gestational limits
New paper by Jakki Jeffs shows flaws in International Abortion [...]
A Time to Cherish Human Life Conference
We are pleased to bring to you the 50 Years of [...]